Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Announcements: 1. Blogs No additions. 2. Collected Volumes Added: October 1, 2023 [Info] Arab, Ronda. »Sexual Violence as Class Conflict: Seizing Patriarchal Privilege in Early Modern English Drama.« Intersectionalities of Class in Early Modern English Drama. Edited by Ronda Arab et al. Cham 2023: 249-264. [Info] Joo, You-Shin. »Writing a History Through Cinema: A Focus on Two 'Comfort Women' Films.« Korean Film and History. Edited by Hyunseon Lee. London 2023: 52-65. [Info] Keul, Hildegund. »Zwischenruf: Toxische Theologien - toxische Therapien: Der unsägliche Fall des Tony Anatrella.« UnSichtbar. Interdisziplinäre Stimmen zu Vulnerabilität, Vulneranz und Menschenrechten. Edited by Hildegund Keul. Würzburg 2023: 197-204. [Info] Lillie, Celene. »The Rape of Eve.« The Routledge Companion to Eve. Edited by Caroline Blyth et al. London 2023: 60-73. [Info] Sari, Desy L., et al. »Patriarchal Culture and Sexual Violence in the Novel Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el-Saadawi.« Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Advanced Education (ICOLAE 2022). Edited by Mauly Halwat Hikmat et al. Dordrecht 2023: 457-470. Added: September 1, 2023 [Info] Bergers, Lara. »A culture of testimony: The importance of 'speaking witnesses' in Dutch sexual crimes investigations and trials, 1930-1960.« Forensic cultures in modern Europe. Edited by Willemijn Ruberg et al. Manchester 2023: 49-70. [Info] McGregor, Katharine. »Japanese War Memory and Transnational Activism for Indonesian Survivors of Enforced Military Prostitution During World War Two.« Trajectories of Memory: Excavating the Past in Indonesia. Edited by Melani Budianta et al. Singapore 2023: 117-136. Added: August 1, 2023 [Info] Bergen, Doris L. »Ganz normale Männer - und das Vergessen der Frauen in ihrem Schatten: Geschlechterproblematik in der Holocaust-Forschung von Christopher Browning.« Polizei und Holocaust: Eine Generation nach Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men. Edited by Thomas Köhler et al. Paderborn 2023: 45-58. [Info] Löbcke, Konrad. »Die Verharmlosung sexueller Gewalt in Petrons Satyrica (Petr. 9-11) und in der griechisch-römischen Komödie.« Forschungen zur Gewalt in der römischen Antike. Edited by Justine Diemke. Stuttgart 2023: 35-58. Added: June 1, 2023 [Info] Schwartz, Anat. »Acceptable Activism: The History of the Anti-Sexual Violence Movement and the Contemporary #MeToo Protests in South Korea.« The Other #MeToos Edited by Iqra S. Cheema. Oxford 2024. Added: May 1, 2023 [Info] McClive, Cathy. »Blood, Rape, and Stigmata: Revisting the Cadière-Girand Affair of 1730 « Histories of French Sexuality: From the Enlightenment to the Present. Lincoln 2023: 45-74. Added: April 1, 2023 [Info] Havryshko, Marta. »Rape on Trial: Criminal Justice Actors in 1940s' Soviet Ukraine and Sexual Violence During the Holocaust.« No Neighbors' Lands in Postwar Europe. Edited by A. Wylega?a et al. Cham 2023: 205-227. Added: February 1, 2023 [Info] Eriksson, Anna-Karin. »Representing the 'Comfort Women': Omissions and Denials in Wartime Historiographies in Japan.« Representing Gender-Based Violence. Edited by C. Williamson Sinalo et al. Cham 2023: 89-109. [Info] Ritzenhoff, Karen A. »A Clockwork Orange and its Representations of Sexual Violence as Torture: Stanley Kubrick and Francis Bacon.« Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange. Edited by M.Melia et al. Cham 2023: 265-282. [Info] Han, Gil-Soo. »The Movement to Redress the Japanese Military "Comfort Women" Grassroots' Concerns and Responses Today.« Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea. Edited by . Amsterdam 2023: 71-114. 3. Encyclopedias No additions. 4. Journals Added: December 1, 2023 [Info] Block, Sharon. »Doing Justice with Rachel.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 715-726. [Info] Block, Sharon. »Rewriting the Rape of Rachel: Historical Methods, Historical Justice.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 649-676. [Info] Bose, Anindita. »Rape and Trauma: Its manifestation and effects in Edwidge Danticat's 'Breath, Eyes, Memory'.« The Academic 1 (2023): 84-92. [Info] DeLucia, Christine. »Seeking Circles of Dialogue and Accountability.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 685-692. [Info] De Lannoy, Jade, et al. »Een vergeten stem: Vrouwelijke slachtoffers van seksueel geweld en het forensisch medisch onderzoek (Antwerpen, 1895-1925).« Historica 46 (2023): 10-16. [Info] Fuentes, Marisa J. »Historical Care and the (Re)Writing of Sexual Violence in the Colonial Americas.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 693-700. [Info] Hodes, Martha. »Rethinking, Revising, Rewriting: An Appeal for Unfinished Scholarship.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 709-714. [Info] Putnam, Lara. »"Rewriting the Rape of Rachel" and How History Changes.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 701-708. [Info] Zhang, SJ. »"To Share How We Know": Mourning and Meaning-Making in "Rewriting the Rape of Rachel".« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 677-684. Added: November 1, 2023 [Info] Ben-Lulu, Elazar. »"Dancing Steps of #WeToo Resistance": Choreography of Masculinity, Sexuality, and Violence on an Israeli Stage.« Journal of Homosexuality (October 2, 2023). [Info] Radonić, Ljiljana. »Displaying Violence in Memorial Museums: Reflections on the Use of Photographs.« Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 34 (2023): 59-84. [Info] Sardina, Alexa, et al. »America's First Memorial Honoring Survivors of Sexual Violence.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 (2023): 17-18. [Info] Skov, Kathrine, et al. »Uncovering forensic evidence of drug-facilitated sexual assault: Toxicological findings from Eastern Denmark in 2015-2022.« Legal Medicine 65 (2023). Added: October 1, 2023 [Info] Biswas, Ashmita. »'I'll tell that human tale': Documenting the Wartime Sexual Violence in Jing-Jing Lee's How We Disappeared (2019).« Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 15(3) (2023). [Info] Classen, Albrecht. »Discourse on Sexual Violence (Rape) in Late Medieval Short Prose Narratives: The Case of the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron, and Johannes Pauli's Schimpf und Ernst.« Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science 7 (2023): 1460-1473. [Info] Lenz, Ilse. »Die Gerechtigkeitsbewegung für die "Trostfrauen" in intersektionaler postkolonialer Sicht.« Peripherie 43 (2023): 91-115. [Info] Leonetti, Carrie. »Opposite sides of the same coin: Syndrome evidence, child abuse and the wrongful conviction of Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis.« Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (August 14, 2023). [Info] Montes, Antonia. »Feministisches Handeln in der literarischen Übersetzung sexueller Gewalt.« Arts & Humanities (2023): 183-197. [Info] Milburn, Olivia. »Rape in early China: two case studies.« Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (September 6, 2023). [Info] Pérez-Bravo. Adriana. »La violación en la ficción juvenil: Aproximación a la construcción socio-sexual femenina y masculina moderna.« Romance Studies (August 30, 2023). [Info] Reynolds, Susan B. »"I Will Surely Have You Deported": Undocumenting Clergy Sexual Abuse in an Immigrant Community.« Religion and American Culture (August 29, 2023). [Info] Verner, Lisa. »Consent, rape and pollution: The context of Hrosvitha's Dulcitius.« The Explicator (August 10, 2023). [Info] Vuković, Vesi. »Freedom Smothered: Gang Rape as Patriarchal Punishment of Emancipated Women in Yugoslav New Film.« Alphaville No. 25 (2023): 40-60. [Info] Zhou, Ziyang. »On the Japanese Government's Implementation of the "Comfort Women" System.« Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management. 10(2) (2023): 132-135. Added: September 1, 2023 [Info] Airiau, Paul. »Sanctionner les crimes et délits sexuels dans l'Église catholique en France: Une première approche (1950-2020).« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 57-72. [Info] Boullu, Thomas, et al. »Introduction.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 9-12. [Info] Camacho López, Andrés. »Revisión de Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women de Miki Dezaki.« HArtes 4 (2023): 71-74. [Info] Cameron, Hazel. »Operation Gukurahundi: A Policy of Genocidal Rape and Sexual Violence in Zimbabwe 1983-1984.« State Crime Journal 12 (2023): 1-31. [Info] Darsonville, Audrey. »« Dissiper les ténèbres », une proposition de justice restaurative.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 39-56. [Info] Gonçalves, Bruno. »Le sceau sacramentel en question: Essai d'analyse juridico-canonique des recommandations de la CIASE.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 73-91. [Info] Große Kracht, Klaus. »Les abus sexuels dans l'Église catholique allemande: Perspectives historiques et résultats.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 109-123. [Info] Hombu, Izumi. »The Door on the Latch: Ambiguity of the Rape in Shakespeare's Lucrece.« Zephyr 35 (2023): 31-45. [Info] Lancien, Anne. »Dissemblances et convergences des commissions d'enquête sur les abus sexuels dans l'Église.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 93-108. [Info] Portier, Philippe. »La CIASE, l'Église et l'État: Une réflexion sur la pratique française de la laïcité.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 13-37. [Info] Redwan, Rima. »One against Seven: ariations on the Misogynistic Nature of 'The Seven Sages' in Different Arabic Manuscript Copies (17th - 18th Centuries).« Das Mittelalter 28 (2023): 49-66. [Info] Schlusemann, Rita. »Dat si over minen soen gheen macht en hebbe: Gattung und multimodale Semiotik der 'Historia septem sapientum Romae' am Beispiel der niederländischen Tradition.« Das Mittelalter 28 (2023): 118-136. Added: August 1, 2023 [Info] Adkins-Jones, Amey V. »The Rape of the Negress: Visual Violence, Theological Erasure, and Black Feminist Fugitivity.« Meridians 22 (2023): 146-168. [Info] Azhar, Darkhasha, et al. »Amrita Pritam's 'Pinjar': A Poignant Depiction of Wrath of Partition on Weaker Sex « International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 8 (2023): 26-30. [Info] Blackburn, Kevin. »Q and A interview: 'Comfort women' of world war II : ssociate professor Kevin Blackburn's research.« Teaching History 57 (2023): 36-37. [Info] Jakob, Hans-Joachim. »"Wie kan deß Menschen Aug das Eitle so belieben?" Visualisierungsstrategien und anschauliches Erzählen in Georg Philipp Harsdörffers Textsammlung Der Geschichtspiegel (1654).« Daphnis 52 (2023): 392-429. [Info] Zhao, Chenxi. »Post-Colonialism in Chinese Film.« Art and Society 2 (2023): 1-16. Added: July 1, 2023 [Info] Bridger, Emily. »Apartheid's 'rape crisis'; Understanding and addressing sexual violence in South Africa, 1970s-1990s.« Women's History Review (June 13, 2023). [Info] Gang, Daye, et al. »"Obviously It's for the Victim to Decide": Restorative Justice for Sexual and Family Violence From the Perspective of Second-Wave Anti-Rape Activists.« Violence Against Women (2023). [Info] González-Lopera, Tatiana. »Honor, linaje y sangre como capital social en la sociedad colonial vistos a través de un juicio por estupro en Antioquia (1729).« Boletín Americanista No. 86 (2023): 125-150. [Info] Jotischky, Christopher. »he rape-pregnancy plots of Roman comedy and their reception in nineteenth-century Greece : The case of The Pot of Basil by Antonios Matesis.« Classical Receptions Journal (May 11, 2023). [Info] Swallow, Peter. »Teaching Difficult Stories: Trauma-Informed Teaching in the Classics Classroom.« The Journal of Classics Teaching (June 12, 2023). [Info] Weikert, Katherine. »Translating between the lines: The rape of Constance Mauduit and histories of violation.« Historical Research 20 (2023): 1-13. Added: June 1, 2023 [Info] Andro, Armelle. »Mind the Gap: Avancées et résistances dans la prise en charge des violences sexuelles et sexistes dans le monde académique (2002-2022).« Mouvements des idées et des luttes No.113 (2023): 109-118. [Info] Beecher, Ruth. »Children, Sexual Abuse and the Emotions of the Community Health Practitioner in England and Wales, 1970-2000.« Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 20 (May 9, 2023). [Info] Frix, Noëlie. »Patriarchal State Projects and the Exploitation of Women: A Case Study of Japan's Sex Industry (1870s-1950s).« Journal of Human Trafficking (May 10, 2023). [Info] Kim, Chae-Han, et al. »Japanese Authorities, the 'Comfort Project', and Tacit Contracts under Militaristic Rule during the Pacific War.« Asian Studies Review (April 20, 2023). [Info] Li, Lin. »Curating "Comfort Women": Historical Memory and Gender Politics in Contemporary China through the Liji Alley Museum.« The Journal of Asian Studies (Forthcoming) . [Info] Sastre, Camila, et al. »'They were their boyfriends': The construction of the image of the perpetrator in cases of sexual assault in the community of Manta during the Peruvian internal armed conflict.« Women's History Review (April, 23, 2023). Added: May 1, 2023 [Info] Fernández-Morales, Marta. »Survivor Memory and Rape Memoir: Chanel Miller's Know My Name.« Life Writing (April 5, 2023). [Info] Mello Jéssica F., et al. »"Que fez ele?": estupro e suas possíveis consequências no Eunuco de Terêncio.« Aletria 33(2023): 140-158.[Info] Pérez-Villa, Ángela. »Enslaved Litigants, Emotions, and a Shifting Legal Landscape in Cauca, Colombia (1825-1831).« Journal of Social History (April 1, 2023). [Info] Tamarit Sumalla, J.M., et al. »How Criminal Is It to Rape a Partner According to the Justice System? Analysis of Sentences in Spain (2015-2022).« European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (March 20, 2023). [Info] Tsang, Vionna M.W., et al. »A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case.« Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (March 31, 2023). [Info] Warren, Meredith J.C. »Rape Jokes, Sexual Violence, and Empire in Revelation and This Is The End.« Journal of Religion & Film 27(1) (2023). Added: April 1, 2023 [Info] Ahmad, Faiz. » Navigating Dual Marginalization: Urmila Pawar's Autobiography and the Dalit Woman's Experience.« TIJER 10 (2023): 393-395. [Info] Ahmad, Shahid. » A Narrative Structure Analysis of Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones.« Social Sciences & Humanities 31 (2023): 383-400. [Info] Barbosa, Jé:ssica L, et al. » A questão traumática na pedofilia: uma investigação na obra Lolita.« ACiS 11 (2023): 133-147. [Info] Park, Haram, et al. » Japanese Military "Comfort Women" Knowledge Graph: Linking Fragmented Digital Records.« Informaion Technology snd Libraries (2023): 1-16. [Info] Douglas, R.M. »Neither Apathetic nor Empathetic: Investigating and Prosecuting the Rape of German Civilians by U.S. Servicemen in 1945.« Journal of Military History 87 (2023): 404-437. [Info] Du, Chunmei. »Rape in Peking: Injured Woman, Microhistory and Global Trial.« Gender & History (March 14, 2023). [Info] Halaburda, Carlos G. »Necropolítica del himen naturalista: virginidad, excedentes de vida y poder soberano en Santa (1903), El hijo del Estado (1884) y El himen en México (1885).« Symposium 77 (2023): 14-33. [Info] Rai, Pradeep. »Ethical Dilemma of Abortion in Francine Rivers' Novel 'The Atonement Child'.« Chintan-Dhara 17 (2023): 54-63. Added: March 1, 2023 [Info] Aldukhayil, Zakarya. »« »The Myth of Rape in Eighteenth-Century Literature.« World Journal of English Language 13 (2023): 77-85. [Info] Bolaji, David. » Sexual Abuse and its Implication in Nigerian Universities: A Reflection of David Bolaji's TaniMola, A Satirical Folk Opera.« East African Journal of Education Studies 6 (2023): 111-119. [Info] Fathonah, Rini, et al.. »The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in Trying War Crimes: A Case Study of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo.« International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 10 (2023): 453-459. [Info] Hieke, Thomas. »Keine Lösung: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Männer im Alten Testament.« Bibel und Kirche 78 (2023): 11-17. [Info] Kim, Eunjae, et al. »Double-Edged Network Effects on Disclosing Traumatic Experiences Among Korean "Comfort Women"« Journal of Interpersonal Violenc (February 7, 2023). [Info] Koswanto, Muryati A., et al. »Kekerasan Seksual dan Relasi Kuasa: Tinjauan Plot Narasi 2 Samuel 11:1-27.« Dunamis 7 (20239): 646-659. [Info] Tyler,Lisa. »"Every patriarch has his prostitute": the prostituted woman in Virginia Woolf's writings.« Feminist Modernist Studies (Februrary 6, 2023). Added: February 1, 2023 [Info] da Silva, Daniel P.A., et al. »Deaths, crimes and violence not classified as a crime among children and adolescents in Maranhão, Brazil (2014 to 2020).« Ciência & Sa2de Coletiva 28 (2023): 421-435. [Info] da Silva, Daniel P.A., et al. »Óbitos, crimes e violências não tipificadas como crimes contra crianças e adolescentes no Maranhão, Brasil, 2014 a 2020.« Ciência & Sa2de Coletiva 28 (2023): 421-435. [Info] Choi, Yeju. »Applying the Cultural Anthropological Approaches in Conflict Resolution: The Case of "Comfort Women".« Peace Review (January 4, 2023). [Info] Nasser, Mohammed N., et al. »The Sexual Conflict In Sarah Kane's Blasted.« Lark Journal 48 (2023): 874-881. 5. Websites Added: June 1, 2023 [Info] Li, Lin. »Towards a Just Memory: Remembering Survivors of Sexual Violence through Memorials.« Arcade (March 3, 2023). 1.Collected Volumes No additions. 2. Encyclopedias No additions. 3. Mongraphs Added: December 1, 2023 [Info] MacKenzie, Megan. Good Soldiers Don't Rape: The Stories We Tell About Military Sexual Violence. Cambridge 2023. Added: October 1, 2023 [Info] Sigurjónsson, Björn. Sic notus Achilles? Episches Narrativ und Intertextualität in Statius' Achilleis. Tübingen 2023.
Added: September 1, 2023 [Info] Heren, Louise. Sex and Violence in 1920s Scotland: Incest, Rape, Lewd and Libidinous Practices, 1918-1930 London 2023. [Info] Kis, Oksana. Sopravvivere nel Gulag: La resistenza quotidiana delle prigioniere ucraine Rome 2023. Added: August 1, 2023 [Info] Hamilton, Tom. A Widow's Vengeance after the Wars of Religion: Gender and Justice in Renaissance France. Oxford forthoming. Added: May 1, 2023 [Info] Tranchese, Alessia. From Fritzl to #metoo: Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press. Cham 2023. Added: March 1, 2023 [Info] Mielityinen,Laura, et al. »« Lasten ja nuorten väkivaltakokemukset 2022: Määrät, piirteet ja niiden muutokset 1988-2022. Helsinki 2023. Added: January 1, 2023 [Info] Anumol, Dipali, ed. Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation. Oxford 2023.[Info] Choi, Chungmo, et al. Voices of the Korean Comfort Women: History Rewritten from Memories. 2023. 1. Reports Added: April 1, 2023 [Info] Einser, Laura, et al.Abschlussbericht. Aufarbeitung und Dokumentation des sexuellen Missbrauchs von katholischen Priestern und anderen im Dienst der katholischen Kirche stehenden Personen an Minderjährigen in Mecklenburg von 1946 bis 1989. Ulm 2023. [Info] Weber, Ulrich, et al. Erfahren. Verstehen. Vorsorgen. Studie zu Taten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung seit 1945 im Verantwortungsbereich des Bistums Mainz. 2023. Added: March 1, 2023 [Info] Dill, Helga, et al. Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bistum Essen: Fallbezogene und gemeindeorientierte Analysen. Munich 2023. 2. Reviews Added: December 1, 2023 [Info] MacKenzie, Megan. Good Soldiers Don't Rape: The Stories We Tell About Military Sexual Violence. Cambridge 2023. (Reviewed by Tara Zammit) Added: November 1, 2023 [Info] Holland, Mary K., et al, eds. #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture . New York, 2021. (Reviewed by Gabrielle Stecher) [Info] Holland, Mary K., et al, eds. #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture . New York, 2021. (Reviewed by Maite Urcaregui) [Info] Schwartzman, Nancy. Roll Red Roll: Rape, Power, and Football in the American Heartland. New York 2022. (Reviewed by Emily Nothnagle) Added: September 1, 2023 [Info] Tsukamoto, Sachiyo. The Politics of Trauma and Integrity: Stories of Japanese "Comfort Women". London 2022. (Reviewed by Kanchan Panday) Added: August 1, 2023 [Info] Blackburn, Kevin. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Singapore 2022. (Reviewed by Ming Gao) [Info] Blackburn, Kevin. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Singapore 2022. (Reviewed by Kelvin E.Y. Low) [Info] Swallow, Peter »Sexual Violence and Aristophanic Humour.« Aristophanic Humour: Theory and Practice. Edited by Peter Swallow et al. London 2020: 167-182. (Reviewed by Dustin Dixon) Added: June 1, 2023 [Info] Bourke, Joanna. Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London 2022. (Reviewed by Claire Cody) [Info] Bourke, Joanna. Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London 2022. (Reviewed by Willemijn Ruberg) [Info] Kang, Laura H.Y. Traffic in Asian Women. Durham 2020. (Reviewed by Yumi Moon) Added: May 1, 2023 [Info] Evers, Jan-Hendrik. Sitte, Sünde, Seligkeit: Zum Umgang hallischer Pastoren mit Ehe, Sexualität und Sittlichkeitsdelikten in Pennsylvania, 1742-1800 Wiesbaden 2020. (Reviewed by Voker Depkat) 3. Working Papers No additions. 1. Bachelor, Honors, Senior, Undergraduate Theses Added: September 1, 2023 [Info] Thahim, Batul F.S. Benevolent and Enlightened Sexism in Contemporary American Literature: A Psychoanalytic Investigation of Sidney Sheldon's Novels. Undergraduate Research Project, Institute of Business Administration, 2023. Added: August 1, 2023 [Info] Centerskog, Hanna. GBV and CRSV In the War Against Ukraine: "The battle is both armed and on women's bodies, as it always is" (Interview, Förberg, 2023). Independent Thesis, Uppsala Universitet, 2023. [Info] Kick, Sebastian. Charakterentwicklung im Film am Beispiel der Protagonistin von Quentin Tarantinos "Kill Bill Vol. 1". Bachelorarbeit, Hochschule Mittweida, 2023. 2. Master Theses Added: October 1, 2023 [Info] Da Mota, Sara O. Sexual Violence against women in armed conflict: The Yazidi genocide. Master's Thesis, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2023. Added: July 1, 2023 [Info] Harris, Olivia. Pedagogy, Sexual Violence, and Contemporary Extremist Films: Baise-moi (2000), Irréversible (2002), and Promising Young Woman (2022). M.A. Thesis, Clemson University, 2023. Added: April 1, 2023 [Info] Schettini, Laura. La violenza contro le donne nei processi penali dei primi decenni del '900 nel padovano Tesi, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2023. 3. Ph.D. Theses Added: November 1, 2023 [Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. Militancia feminista, fenómenos culturales y violencia de género en México: Una historia visual (1970-2002). Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Granada, 2023. Added: April 1, 2023 [Info] Perini, Lorenza. Cultura dello stupro in Italia dal Massacro del Circeo ad Oggi: Caratteristiche e criticita' Attraverso l'analisi di tre casi indici Tesi, 2023. |